Hathai’s Story

Hathai’s family was very poor. She had six brothers and sisters. At fourteen, she was the second oldest and the oldest girl. Although they lacked access to many important resources, Hathai’s family was very close. They all worked hard together to make ends meet.

Hathai’s father got exciting news–his brother and his brother’s adult son (Hathai’s uncle and cousin) were coming for a visit. Hathai’s father hadn’t seen his brother in many years. They saved money and food for weeks to prepare for the visit. 

When the day arrived, they welcomed their family members. Hathai’s uncle brought expensive gifts for her and all of her brothers and sisters. He brought bags of rice and other supplies for her parents. They were all overjoyed. 

One evening, when Hathai was cleaning up after a large meal, her uncle and cousin called her out to sit with them. They were both drinking liquor from a dark bottle. They offered her some and when she declined they insisted. She took the smallest drink she could, but the liquid still burned down into her stomach. 

Suddenly, Hathai’s cousin insisted that she come with him into town. She protested–it was late and already dark–but she was being ushered into their truck. Hathai’s cousin took her into town and forced her to have sex with a man in exchange for money. Hathai was shocked, confused, and heartbroken. 

The visit lasted many months, and both her uncle and cousin exploited Hathai often during their stay. Hathai could not bring herself to tell her parents, who were so pleased with their visitors. They told her that if she complied it would save them from having to involve her younger sisters in the scheme. 

The police were investigating Hathai’s uncle regarding another matter and discovered the abuse and exploitation of Hathai. Hathai was referred to Rapha for treatment and shelter. Hathai received expert care and support at Rapha, including counseling, medical care, legal advocacy, and social work. 

Unfortunately, Hathai’s parents did not immediately believe that the allegations were true. When the uncle and cousin were eventually arrested and charged with many crimes, Rapha’s social workers were able to make contact with the parents and help them understand what had happened. They worked hard to build up protective factors within the family, to protect Hathai’s siblings and to ensure that Hathai could one day return home safely. 

Hathai is slowly working through her journey of healing. She is continuing her treatment at Rapha until her court case is resolved. When it is safe, she will return to her family. Rapha’s social workers will continue to work with Hathai’s family to connect them to resources and to educate them on the impacts of trauma. With their support, Hathai will find sustainable freedom within her own community. 

You Can Provide Sustainable Freedom

You can provide the come alongside girls like Hathai by becoming a Survivor Care Partner today. Take action to provide sustainable freedom to one child, one family, and one community at a time.


Language of Play