After Rachana* experienced sexual trauma and exploitation, she was rescued by local authorities and referred to Rapha’s Survivor Care campus. Rachana was in need of care and security, trauma therapy, educational support, and legal advocacy. After months of care at Rapha, Rachana began to thrive and excel in her journey of healing.
When Rapha International was founded over 20 years ago, our first Survivor Care campus in Battambang, Cambodia was called Rapha House. Rapha means “healing” in Hebrew, and it was the vision of our founders that healing would happen within those walls. Soon, it became evident that the work of Rapha would extend far beyond the walls of that house. Now, 20 years later, Rapha is a thriving, multi-faceted organization that provides high quality services within and well beyond our residential Survivor Care campuses.
Bailey was referred to Rapha’s Hope and Healing Center after being placed in foster care. She was initially removed from her home because her mother’s addiction to prescription drugs prevented her from caring for and protecting Bailey. Soon after she arrived in foster care, she disclosed that a man who was a friend of her mother had sexually abused her on several occasions.
When Sandra was nine years old, her mother surrendered her at an orphanage in Port-au-Prince, Haiti because she couldn’t provide food or safe shelter for her daughter. Sandra’s mother loved her very much, but she believed that the Westerners at the orphanage could give Sandra a better future and made the painful choice to leave her in the orphanage’s care.