One Day: Nadia’s Story

When 16-year-old Nadia was brought to Rapha’s aftercare campus by local law enforcement, she was terrified. The men who had trafficked and abused her were violent and ruthless. They were part of a gang that routinely punished people for disobedience. Nadia was certain they would track her down at Rapha and beat or kill her. She was grateful to be free from their control, but through her trauma lens, she secretly wondered if it might be safer to go back to the gang, comply with their demands, and stay in their good graces. 

A social worker at Rapha, Abril, had also been the victim of gang violence and exploitation when she was young. She showed Nadia the security equipment, talked about the commitment of Rapha’s security guards to keep the girls safe.  She helped Nadia understand how other girls who had been exploited by violent gangs stayed safe at Rapha. 

As days went by with no incidents, Nadia began to feel more comfortable. Although she still had moments of fear, she began to trust that she was safe at Rapha. When she was less consumed by worry, she was able to focus on healing from her trauma and she began to experience hope.

Nadia’s story represents the experiences of hundreds of girls who have received life-changing care and treatment at Rapha.


One Day: Hom’s Story


One Day: Jorani’s Story