Rachana’s Story
After Rachana* experienced sexual trauma and exploitation, she was rescued by local authorities and referred to Rapha’s Survivor Care campus. Rachana was in need of care and security, trauma therapy, educational support, and legal advocacy. After months of care at Rapha, Rachana began to thrive and excel in her journey of healing.
After Rachana graduated from the residential Survivor Care program at nineteen, she began living independently and sharing an apartment with a few other Rapha graduates. Rachana was continuing to study and had big dreams for her life: to go to medical school and become a doctor!
As Rachana continued her education in the city, Rapha was committed to walking alongside her and her vulnerable family back in her home village. Unexpectedly, Rachana lost her mother, her only remaining parent, in a tragic accident. As the oldest daughter, she was then responsible for caring for her elderly grandmother and three younger sisters. Rapha staff evaluated the most critical needs of this family. A special project was implemented to make improvements to their home–to increase safety and privacy–and to build a chicken house on the property. Along with the construction of a chicken house, chicks and supplies were also purchased. This project has helped to provide sustainable income for Rachana’s family and make it possible for her to continue focusing on her dreams for the future.
Rapha social workers also collaborated with another organization to dig a well on the family’s small property. With access to water close by, Rachana’s sixteen-year-old sister doesn’t have to spend her day carrying water from far away. She can now return to school and study in the ninth grade.
Home improvements, access to water, and an income generation project greatly reduced vulnerability for this family, especially Rachana’s younger sisters. Reintegration with Rapha International is focused on family resiliency and sustainable freedom.
Rachana and her sisters are now thriving at home.
Each of Rapha’s locations exists within the context of its community and a larger effort to combat trafficking and abuse. In addition to serving individual children and their families, Rapha works to shape communities by providing outreach and training on abuse prevention, human trafficking, trauma, and other important topics. Rapha staff regularly engages law enforcement officers, government officials, social workers, and other team members in specialized training on intervening for survivors of trafficking. There are also frequent training opportunities for parents, teens, and children on safety and abuse prevention. Counselors at Rapha’s Hope and Healing Center in the US are engaged with local schools to train students and teachers on trauma, suicide prevention, and mental health.
Rapha’s residential Survivor Care campuses provide holistic services to young survivors of trafficking and sexual abuse, while providing safe shelter during a season when a child does not have another safe place to stay. When a child is served in Rapha’s residential program, the services provided to them reach far beyond the boundaries of the residential campus. Rapha’s social workers locate and support survivors' families, preparing them to care for and protect their children. Rapha staff accompany children to court hearings and assist them in navigating the criminal justice system. Connections are made with partner organizations, coalitions, educational institutions, and service providers to build up community-based support and opportunity for girls in our care.
Rapha is more than a house, it is a global team fighting against trafficking and abuse.
Rapha is more than a house, it is a life-saving resource for children who have experienced trauma.
Rapha is more than a house, it is a movement of healing, hope, and freedom.
Join us in providing safety, education, and care to children in need.
*Rachana’s name is changed for her protection.