Richard’s My Rapha Story

Many of our partners find unique ways to use their passions and talents to advocate for victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Dee and Sal Perconti and Richard Aal are great examples of this type of engagement and commitment to helping survivors at Rapha International find freedom, hope, and healing. 

The Percontis hold an online auction in conjunction with the US Open Racquetball Championship every year. The proceeds from this auction are split between Rapha International and St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. The auction is live now, with over ninety fantastic items! To bid on items and come alongside the Percontis to support vulnerable children, visit



Richard Aal has also partnered with Rapha International with a unique fundraiser at the US Open Racquetball Championship. Richard raises sponsorships for a planking event at the tournament. Last year, he planked for seventeen minutes! Dee Perconti, a Rapha Board Member, and Stephanie Freed, Rapha’s Co-Founder and Executive Director, also participated in the planking competition, but (much to our disappointment) their times are unrecorded.

This year, Richard’s goal is to plank for twenty minutes! All of the money raised will go directly to Rapha International and professional aftercare services for children who have experienced human trafficking and sexual exploitation in Cambodia, Thailand, and Haiti.


Kids Club Stories


Prevention is Key